Is it possible to visit Montepulciano from Florence via bus or train day trip?
Bus would be easiest. Check Rome2Rio site but prices may be out of date.
Train from Florence to Chiusi-Chianciano.
Then from the Chiusi station you have two options:
1. Bus from Chiusi to Montepulciano.
2. Train from Chiusi to Montepulciano station (on the Chiusi-Siena line). The Montepulciano station is down the hill at a distance from the actual town. I don't know if from there there are buses or taxis that can take you up to the town.
By bus you would change at Siena (train station).
The Chiusi-Montepulciano bus runs about hourly on weekdays, whereas the local train is less frequent and leaves you 5 miles away from the hilltown. should have bus schedules. Buses in Italy are usually reduced or non-existent on Sundays, but trains are schedules don't change much. There are also 2 buses per day direct from Florence to Montepulciano, see All info from p. 725 of Rick's Italy book.
IMO the train/bus combination via Chiusi is the better option, as there are several daily connection options (roughly hourly) compared to only a few if going by bus via Siena. There's generally less service on both routes on Sundays, but some Chiusi-Montepulciano buses do run.