Buckeye, you are going to have a fabulous in a magnificent town and a lovely lovely apt! My dear friend (sis-in-law) and I just returned a few weeks ago from three weeks in Italy, including four nights at the Politian. We did just what you are planning to do, including eating a number of our meals in the apt. Here is some useful info: there is a great grocery store, the Conad, at the bottom of town, just outside and to the right of the main gate, the Porto al Prato. Look at Montepulciano on google maps and you will see "Supermercato Conad" below and to the right of the Porto al Prato (I mean "below" as in 'lower than'"; on Google maps it will be "above," as in "north of".) This is where the locals go: lots of gorgeous fresh veggies, dairy, fruit, great deli case of lots of prepared foods , meats, cheeses, breads, etc. The Politian apt that we were in was well stocked with pots, pans, dishes, etc, but did not have basics like salt, oil, etc. You can easily walk DOWN to the Conad in 20 min but you WILL want to take the little local bus UP with your groceries. The great folks at Politian can sell you bus tickets (buy some when you check in, under 2 € each). Ask them which number bus to take. The bus stop is just across the street from the Conad and runs like every 20 min. Your stop up top will be just past the Politian. Also, re. first arriving at the Politian: be SURE to print out the driving instructions AND map that they will email, then believe them, not your gps! You will end up driving down (yes) a very steep little alley just before your last right turn, but it will be where you want to go.