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We are staying in Montecatini for five nights. We have reservations for our museums of choice in Fierenze already made, but wonder which is the better way to go to Fierenze: bus or train? Also, any good, not terribly expensive resuatrants in Montecatini? We want to show our friends who have never been to Italy, what a really good Tuscan meal is like. Food is what counts with us, not atmosphere.

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10344 posts

La Torre restaurant in the main piazza has been in the same family for 40 years and is the place for you to impress the friends. Top quality wines.

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236 posts

Can't help you with the transportation questions as we had the once and a lifetime experience of driving in Florence.

There are a group of restaurants at the top of the hill at Montecatini Alto. I can't remember the names but they provide a wonderful setting especially at night. Very romantic.