Any idea about how much money per day one would need when on a RS Italy tour>
In the Pre-Tour Handbook sent to each person confirmed on a RS tour it says plan to spend $50-100 per day on the fully guided tours, $100-150 on the 'My Way' tours. On the fully guided tours breakfast is always included every day. Typically lunch OR dinner is included each day, though there could be one or two days, depending on the tour, when neither will be. Read the itinerary for the specific tour to try to determine that. You would always need to pay for your own drinks, and for any expenses during free time. In my experience tour members sometimes go in together to share the cost of one or mores bottles of wine during some dinners. And I personally get by spending less each day because I mostly avoid eating lunch in restaurants during free time. I picnic, grab a baguette sandwich and drink to eat in a park, or whatever, to keep my food expenses down.