HI all, my wife and I will be in Sorrento all day Sept 13-14. We want to take a tour of the Amalfi coast. I have looked at mondoghuide tours, as recommended by RS. They only have one tour scheduled on those days with 15 people already signed up. That means it will the 19 person minibus. I was hoping for the smaller, 8 person van. Anyone know if I can start a new tour signup? or will I automatically go into the already scheduled tour? If I can, I know that at least 6 have to sign up or it will be a no-go. I suppose if I had to pay 300€ to get the van tuor to go, I would just shift to the private car for 330, but 50€ sounds a lot better.
OTOH, is anyone else going to be in Sorrento those dates? Want to share a van or car?