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Mondo Guides for Naples and the Amalfi Coast

We are scheduled to be in Naples and the Amalfi Coast between October 14th and 22nd prior to joining a Rick Steves' program in Sicily. Mondo Guides offers reasonable small group programs ( such as for Naples, Pompeii, and the Amalfi coast) for Rick Steves' customers. At this point, we have not signed up for specific dates but would be interested in knowing if others might share our interest in any of these programs.

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Hi Marty, I recently did the full day Mondo trip to Capri and also the full day to Amalfi coast and absolutely loved both. I was concerned one of the excursions might not go due to lack of sign ups so I emailed Mondo and they were very helpful and accommodating. I met great people on both trips. They get my full endorsement!

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7546 posts

We did their Pompeii tour and Capri
Both we’re great even though it was pouring rain at Pompeii
The Capri trip was out favorite day of the whole trip, so much fun!

Hope you get some takers-just know that not a lot of tour members post or read here but you might get others interested

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I took part in the Mondo offer for RS readers earlier this year, on a daylong tour visiting Pompeii, Sorrento, and Positano.

Both the Pompeii guide and the driver were fantastic, and I would use either, as well as Mondo, again. I recommend it.

A few notes that may be helpful if you have booked a Mondo tour for RS folks:

  • There was a little confusion in finding the group at the beginning of the day. Our meeting point was at the Naples cruise port. As I was not part of a cruise, there was some difficulty in finding the group. No one at the port will be able to help you, and the pedestrian entrance is some distance from the cruise disembarkation point. WhatsApp chat and voice calls resolved the issue. (I was the only group member not part of a shore excursion, as it turned out.)

  • Pompeii is massive, and I underestimated how much time I would want to spend there. It was my first visit, and I do wish I’d booked more than the few-hours’ worth. Our tour was fantastic, but merely whet my appetite to see more. If you enjoy ruins and/or history, I’d recommend booking a more in-depth tour at Pompeii. That said, I have zero complaints about our tour that day. The guide was amazing, and I have retained his contact info for a future, more in-depth tour.

  • On another day, I explored Herculaneum on my own, and it was well worth the time. If there is an option, consider adding it to your itinerary.

  • Positano and Sorrento are both very pretty. Both were hot and crowded when I was there (no fault of Mondo, though). On our tour, most folks opted to eat at the Positano stop and do some shopping at the Sorrento stop. I enjoyed both, expecting to prefer Positano, but found myself preferring Sorrento as a “home base” and transit hub, simply because Sorrento can be slightly less crowded (because it is more spread out and not built into the ravine). Sorrento certainly can become crowded on its smaller shopping lane, however.

  • As with most Italian sojourns, avail yourself of restrooms when you see one, and expect to pay Euro fifty cents each time (so carrying small coins is helpful). Toilets are available at Pompeii (pay outside, free inside); Herculaneum (free inside); Sorrento (pay); Positano (pay toilets on the beach; go downhill, turn right when you reach the sand, and keep going).