Looking for train fares from Rome to Venice, and saw something for 38 euros non refundable (3 hours and 40 so minutes). Does this seem like a good deal and is booking 2 months in advanced a good idea?
It is decent. Mini fare vary greatly by train, time, etc. You might find a different fare with an earlier or later train. You have to book early to get the deals. The drawback is non refundable so you cannot change your mind in the next two months.
Thank you!:-)
Definitely do your homework. These mini fares can be a great budget help but you have to stick to schedule. I use them for the long trips when I am sure of the time I want to arrive. Trenitalia has a funny way of selling tickets - sometimes you can see the fare and schedule but when you actually go to book it all disappears. I've been told that they publicize earlier than they actually make tickets available. And when you ask them, no one seems to know the magic "when" so keep trying!
Thank you! I just booked it, $38 I feel pretty good about the discount:-) Our air to rome, air from venice to paris, and air from paris back home is already set, so I figure if something changes everything will change anyway and then the insurance kicks in. But if my reasons are a whim (ie dont want to wake up that early), then I just have to live with it..
Sorry I have to correct myself, it's 38 for the 2 of us, I just realized that, I thought it was 38 each. so i got it for 19euros per person:-)
It's a good deal. Respectfully, Frank, Tina can change her mind as much as she wants in the next two months, but she has to change it back to the mini-fare date/time by the time the train leaves!
I waited until I was in Venice before buying my ticket to Florence. The cost was about 25% more than if I had bought it online a month earlier. 38 Euros is a good price. Only you know if you want to be tied to a non-rerundable ticket. Things happen.
We recently bought a few mini fares, one 38e another 58e (both for 2 tickets). Although the second trip at 58, Venice to Florence, isn't a great fare my husband and I travel better when we have some limitations - decreases decision making and improves marriage :) It's a personal thing - do you like things to be planned or plan as you go?
Booked 4 seats Rome to Venice in May with mini fares and it was 19 Euros each, best price by a long shot. You can change your reservation once without charge and caancel up to the day of departure.