We will be in Italy from May 2 to May 22 and want to see some of the car race. It will be going through Ferrara to Rimini and on to Senagallia. we will be near all of those places. I am curious if anyone has had experience with viewing the race - how best to do it. I am thinking the best thing to do would be to arrange to be in the town where they spend the night and the cars are parked? But i wold appreciate any ideas anyone might have. Thanks!
We're not car aficionados but it went near us this year, and we learned a bit. It's not a race, per say, it's a timed thing. There are hundreds of cars so it gets really spread out - like 2 hours or more. You can only approximate where they are at any given time, except it's probably later than the posted estimates. They seem to stop at some towns for a while in route for lunch or rest stops and to show the cars, but the bigger events seem to be, as you thought, where they stay overnight.
Thanks Mike. we will see what we can arrange!