Does anyone have any experience with the Milano Card? It seems to offer free public transportation, free entry to several museums, and discounts to some unspecified attractions. The website is a little vague - when I finally found a list of what is included, it didn't live up to the glowing headlines. A 3 day Milano Card is €19; would this be a savings for metro and a couple of museums? I think there's a free pizza offered, as well.
I just looked at the website and did not find it particularly helpful. The transportation portion might be worth it if you intend to cover a lot of ground, the 30% discount for fast trains to selected cities can be offset by buying tickets at the super-economy fare, so I'm just not sure about this one.
If you buy a day-ticket for transportation, I think it's about 5euro, so if you do two roundtrips a day for the 72-hour Milano card, it would be worth it. Otherwise, I can't guess.
Yeah, it's not really looking worth it. We plan to visit a number of museums in Milan, but most of them were not listed on the Card's website. I'll keep checking, though. Maybe it's something new and more features will be added. If it's worthwhile, it'll probably be in the new RS Italy book, due out later this month.
Thanks for your thoughts.
I'd just get a transport pass. The 48 hour pass is 8.25 EUR and the 24 hour is 4.50 EUR. Individual trips are 1.50 EUR. You can buy them at most tabacchi, to avoid the ticket machine gauntlet or long lines at the official ticket windows.