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Milan to Ravenna and back in one day?

I will be in Milan on business in June, and I really want to go to Ravenna to see the mosaics. It is 3 hours by train to get to Ravenna and then 3 hours back. Because of the train schedules, this will leave me only 3 hours in Ravenna to see the mosaics. Can someone who has been to Ravenna advise me: how far is the train station from the buildings which house the mosaics; are the various churches close to one another; do all the shops and sites close down in the afternoon (I'll be there from about 12:30 to 4:00PM.) Thanks for any advice

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445 posts

I can only answer part of your question as I did not take a train to Ravenna. I think 3 hrs. however is sufficient time. We were only there for less than that I believe. The mosaics were fabulous. Why don't you try googling Ravenna? I find out more stuff that way. Have a lovely visit.

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3112 posts

I assume the mosaics you want to see are Basilica di San Vitale and Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. They are about a 20 minute walk from the train station and are adjacent. When I visited, both were included in the admission price. The basilica and mausoleum don't close during the afternoon. Not sure about the shops.

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401 posts

I have done the church circuit in Ravenna and three hours is cutting it a bit close. The churches are a bit spaced out and you have to walk a bit. Plus, I'm pretty sure they close in the afternoons, as do about 99.9% of churches, from like 12:30-3:30, I think. Correct me if I'm wrong. I seem to remember we took refuge over a long lunch and had to wait around to resume seeing the churches. Definately worth it, but not sure it is doable in only 3 hours. Wear sneakers if you do decide to go, because you will be booking it all over Ravenna.