I am traveling alone and I have read some things in articles online about how confusing this airport is if you are departing on an International flight. I am on Alitallia on a flight to JFK. Staying at the Holiday Inn Express the night before and my plane does not leave until 1pm. So, I figure if I get there around 9am I should be OK.
I read some article some where where a seasoned traveler said the lines were horrendously long, it was difficult to understand what line to go through during each phase and that if a person did not speak or read Italian that it was confusing.
Can anyone walk me through what to expect once the shuttle drops me off with my bags? I am planning to check one bag but may also try and carry it on if they let me. Every time I have traveled international in the past, I always had someone drop me off at the foreign country's airport and stay with me until I checked in. This will be a complete "first" for me outside of the USA to arrive at a foreign airport and navigate my way around.
By the way...I will be arriving via the Malpensa Express the afternoon of the night before my departure. Is there any "homework" or prep I can do after I arrive from that train and before I call the hotel for the shuttle to bring me to the hotel? I hope this makes sense ;-) Thank you.