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Milan Malapensa Airport Passport Control Delays

My wife and I flew from JFK to Milan arriving Monday, 9/25/23 around 10AM. The lines to clear passport control upon arrival were backed up almost to the arrival gate.

That line wrapped around in a serpentine fashion for an exceptionally long distance with snail like movement forward. Americans were separated from those with Italian passports.
Neither line was moving as you might expect.
As additional flights arrived, airport officials dressed in casual clothing as opposed to being dressed in uniforms, those passengers were randomly added to the line, some in front of our group and others behind our group.

Chaos! No announcements. No movement. No progress. After an exceedingly long wait, we eventually advanced to the passport control checkpoint. The passport control self service kiosks were divided between Italians and others. Several kiosks were not in working order and their were clearly not nearly enough machines for the crowd in play.

My wife’s passport worked fine and she sailed through. My passport failed and I was directed to the “manual” processing line which was hundreds of people deep. My wife had no idea what was happening to me.

What a mess? Luggage was strewn all over the baggage claim area. Thousands of people searching for their luggage and no help from the Italians. Very few wearing masks! A Covid breeding ground.

I asked one of the police at the exit door what caused this nightmare. He shrugged and said, too many people.

So, does anyone know if this is normal at Malapensa? Was there a computer crash? Was this some kind of labor action? A one day strike did occur later in the week.

Future tourists headed to Italy beware!

Posted by
2257 posts

I arrived at Malpensa on 9/14/23 and had no such problems. Let's hope this was an anomaly.

Posted by
1625 posts

We arrived Milpanese 9/26 at 9:30 AM, same separating of people and it was a long line but we got through in about 10 min with all kiosks working just fine. Masks are no longer a requirement so i am not sure why you would expect that. Very logical airport with good signage enough for us to find our car rental booth, our actual car and got on the road.

Posted by
376 posts

I arrived on September 26 at 12:30.. Quick and easy,I never check a bag. About 30 Minutes to the.Malpensa express train.
So OP's experience seems to be an anamoly.

Posted by
74 posts

On September 20 I had a Delta flight from Malpensa to Atlanta. (a connection heading home). I had a bag to check and four hours before my flight boarded. It was all impressively efficient until passport control. I made the mistake of stopping in duty-free and shopping for about 30 minutes but it was getting pretty busy and I decided to get through passport control which was my last processing stop before the gate. The line was unbelievably long snaking out, indeed, almost to check in. Nobody was moving and there were two lines, one for Italians and other EU citizens and the other for everybody else. I could not even see where passport control booths began. At that point. I had one hour to boarding for my flight home, I walked down the line to see if I could see how far it was until you actually get to the agent booths. There were hundreds of people in line and it was clear that I would not make it to boarding in an hour. This was at a little after 9:30 AM with my flight boarding at 10:50 AM. As far as I could tell, there were only three agents processing passports for my line. Not proud of it but for the first time I cut into the line about halfway through it, it still didn’t move for quite a while. then at 10 AM all of a sudden the line started moving and lo and behold there were 8 to 10 more agents that showed up and started processing passports. Even so that just moved me into the main room with the Disney style snaking line to go through . it seemed pretty clear that I would likely still miss my flight.. for whatever reason I, and the people in line around me got lucky and the EU line had completely emptied out and we were allowed to go through with our passports in that line. I got to my gate with a less than 15 minutes to boarding..!

I could be wrong, but I believe that they did not have enough agents to process people through passport control until 10 AM. My guess is that staffing is a real problem.

This is just my experience, but it certainly became stressful. Clearly if I had not gotten there at least four hours ahead, I would not have made it.