What website do you contact to get tickets to DaVinci’s Last Supper in Milan?
Tickets from the official site sell out within minutes/hours of becoming available.
I bought ours, on March 20 for June 7, from https://www.milan-museum.com/last-supper-tickets.php for 28.25€ per ticket.
As did I. But do not despair. Most of the tickets are sold off to tour operators, who then include them in package tours. So, even if you are looking to visit in the next month or two, you can still get access, but you will have to pay a little more for a tour.
When is your trip?
Last Supper tickets need to be booked over 3 months in advance, and they sell out within minutes.
This is the official website cenacolovinciano.vivaticket.it
FYI: July and August tickets became available April 16th.
Hopefully you can find a tour that includes the Last Supper.
Enjoy your trip!