From Milan Centrale, what is the best train to take (non-stop if possible) to Genova Principe station?
Train schedule at If you are traveling after June 12, look at the schedules in the next week as they do not have the schedules published yet for after June 12. Schedules should change very little or not at all.
And buy your ticket at the ticket office in the airport when you get the ticket for the express train. Saves time. No such thing as a non-stop train unless it is going to the next town. All trains stop. Faster trains stop less frequent than slower trains. What you like to avoid is changing trains. It is always a good idea to have fewer changes.
Have time on my hands. Just did a quick schedule check --
There is roughly a train every hour ranging in price from 9 to 20E, second class. All the intercity trains make three stops and take about 1.34. The one fast train, Freciabianc makes 2 stops and takes 1.40. I would grab an intercity for about 10E and go when convenient.
I actually will be making the same trip in the fall and recently looked it up myself. Yes all these trains stop at some point but perhaps you want to make sure your train is "direct", meaning it will stop at various places but you will not have to switch trains.