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Metro to the Vatican - Papal Audience

I requested and then received acknowledgement that I can pick up a ticket at Santa Susanna Church on the Tuesday evening before a Papal General Audience on a Wednesday, which is at 10:30 am. I am planning on taking the Metro A. Can someone tell me how long it generally takes to get from Repubblica Metro stop to Saint Peter's (I am staying across the street from the Hotel Italia at the Hotel Picasso)? Also, since I will already be there afterwards, can someone recommend the easiest way to buy my ticket to the Vatican Museum on that day after the Papal General Audience? Is there a way to avoid the crowds? Thanks so much! I have gotten so much wonderful information for many things on this Travelers' Helpline. Katherine

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56 posts

Hi Katherine,

I used the Repubblica stop as well since my hotel was around the block. The Ottoviano stop (best one for the Vatican) was roughly the 6th stop and took about 10 minutes. From there the walk to the Vatican/St. Peter's is about 3 blocks or so and takes another 5-10 minutes. It's super easy.

As far as getting a ticket for the Vatican Museums, I have no idea. I booked a 3 hour walking tour that covered the museums, St. Peter's and the Sistine Chapel. They were great, giving tons of info, etc. If you're interested in something like that, I used Enjoy Rome; their site is

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2207 posts

Ciao Katherine,

Sounds like you got good directions from Republica to Ottaviano metro stops... one of the two we use to head home.

When you get off the train, you'll come up the stairs and through the tturnstiles. Then take the first exit area on your left.. You'll see the "San Pietro" sign in yellow high up on the wall with a directional arrow left... When you enter the staircase area, take the stairs on your right and you'll come up to street level. At that point, EXITING AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS, there will be a huge intersection... go Left and you'll see in the distance statues up high on a colonade - That's St. Peter's! A 10 minute walk and you're there.

As far as buying tickets in advance... Unless you're with a group (pre-paid) you'll just get your tickets after you enter the museum (2nd floor). I recommend NOT GOING this day as its alwats BUSIER after the pope speaks (if it's an indoor ausience it's not so bad - only 6,500 people - but if it's outdoors, we're talking 10-20,000+!). When the Pope is done everyone heads for the museum or basilica. It's not just the wait, but also the crowds you have to deal with!

Because it is so easy to get to by metro, I'd come back another day that's less crowded!

Good luck,