I will be in Rome and in planning the itinerary want to be realistic about travel times on foot and using Metro or bus. I will be staying near Vatican for four days. From Vatican Metro, changing to B line to Cavour stop will take about how long? The #218 bus from San Giovanni in Laterno to the Catacombs of San Callisto will take about how long and how often do they run? Taking the bus #118 back from San Callisto to Piramide Metro stop, then metro back to Vatican stop how much total travel time to allow? Is there a web site that helps to calculate this? I am actually with two different groups and will be staying elsewhere for the second stay in Rome, but this is what I am working on now. It will be the end of April for this part. Any help is appreciated.
Have you tried Google Maps? We used that when we were in Rome last December and it was very useful for providing approximate travel times and alternate buses/routes that we were not familiar with. We used it to plan most of our travel there. https://www.google.fi/maps/dir/San+Callisto,+Via+Appia+Antica,+Rome,+Italy/Vatican+Museums,+Viale+Vaticano,+Rome,+Italy/@41.8854846,12.4458148,13z/data=!4m15!4m14!1m5!1m1!1s0x13258a0c54457a97:0x60366d8702c4c6e1!2m2!1d12.508709!2d41.860882!1m5!1m1!1s0x132f6063839bc129:0xcfe0eca0526416b6!2m2!1d12.453507!2d41.906651!3e3!5i2
Thanks, just clicked the link and this will be helpful.
Note that times are approximate. On every route you mentioned, I have encountered delays at one time or another (but I take buses a lot). Metro is more reliable but it doesn't go everywhere.
If I had a strict schedule, I would plan on finding a taxi stand as a backup.
The schedule is not tight just did not want to plan more than was practical given travel time. But I will keep that in mind if I have a reservation or something that is definite.
If you are using the miniature 118 electric bus, there are a couple of things to bear in mind.
The buses are really tiny, Seating for 4 across the back, another couple or so in other seats and room for 2 or 3 to stand. Because they are so tiny there may not be room for you to squeeze on and you may have to wait for the next one.
Not all 118 stops are clearly marked in Centro Storico.
The medieval lanes and paths used by the electric buses are very narrow and be very slow for the buses; they do their best to run to time but can be delayed both reaching you and once you are on board.
And, most importantly, there have been budget concerns about running the electric buses. Perhaps our Rome locals can chip in with the current position regarding the electric buses.
Thanks for the tip but I meant the #118 that is listed in RS "Rome" as a way to get back to the center from sights on the Appian Way. I think it will be better for me to take the @18 back to San Giovanni in Laterano and take the subway from there. The bus stop is right at the catacombs and to get the 118 is a bit of a walk. Since we will have a good walk from the Vatican subway station and it will be the end of our day saving a few steps will be nice. Where does the little electric 118 go?
Nigel, are you thinking of the 116 and 117? They go through the Centro Storico.