If you are contemplating a a visit to New York this summer through early Autumn , this show at The Metropolitan is a once in a lifetime opportunity .. With a surfeit of works by Bronzino , this review in the NY Times is replete with selections that expand when you click on them . Enjoy ! - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/24/arts/design/medici-portraits-met-museum.html?action=click&module=Features&pgtype=Homepage
For anyone subscription blocked from the Times website:
The NY Times allows subscribers to share 10 articles a month that aren't (as I understand it) subject to the pay wall.
I'm not sure I can access 10 but since the forums regularly see questions from non-subscribing RS posters who can't access the site, thought the alternate links might be helpful. :O)
I don't know why I get 10 "free shares" a month, but I'm not about to complain about it.
Here's the link from the Met: https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2021/medici-portraits-and-politics
I was able to view them this past weekend.