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Medications in bottles?

I set my meds up in 2 week planner. Do I have to keep them in original bottles when traveling to Italy?

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23739 posts

Not unless they were some type of highly controlled substances. Going into Italy, no one will look at what you are carrying.

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5697 posts

Probably wouldn't hurt if you carried a printout of the prescriptions. I had pills in individual snack-size ziploc bags, with prescription label from the bottle pasted on each baggie. (Month-long trip.) Nobody ever asked.

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11852 posts

Carry a printout of the RXs from your doctor. If you need to seek medical care it will be helpful to jave, especially with tne real name, not a brand name. We count out our pills and dump them in baggies, never take bottles.

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547 posts

On my cell phone, I take a photo of the pill bottle with my name and the pill description and strength showing, and make sure that one of the pills is in front of the bottle in the photo.

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5337 posts

We've been to Italy many times and have never had a problem using this system to save space and weight. We have the pharmacist print out extra labels which we put on freezer zip lock bags and put the pills in the bags. We also take the original data sheet that comes with the RX to show that it is for us. In addition to Italy, we have been to many European and South American countries and have never had a problem. There are some U.S. state laws that require prescription meds be in original containers, but they are rarely enforced and I can only remember reading about one case in the last 20 years. Not saying our system is absolutely foolproof, Just that we've never had a problem. If your meds include high potency controlled substances, you might want to use the original container as well as taking the data sheet.