I am a type 2 Diabetic. I am concerned how to keep one of my medications below 77 degrees. I will be flying from Atlanta to Rome, will be in a hotel for 5 nights days in Rome and then on a cruise from October 22ND - November 2ND. I am assuming that I will be able to keep it refrigerated on the cruise. It is the flying and the hotel that I have concerned. It is not insulin, but it is injectible. I have a physcian's written permission form to carry my needles and lancets. How do I keep my medication below 77 degrees? DP, Jacksonville, fl.
Thanks. I never thought of contacting the airline. I have cold packs that I thought I could take with me. I will look at the bottle carrier and see how how thick it is compared to what I have.. My brother-in-law booked where we are staying, I will ask him for the info so I could or he could contact them. Thanks again.
Check out the Frio line of products. They're made for insulin but they may suit your purpose. http://www.frioinsulincoolingcase.com/index.html
Well one thing is I always try and book a hotel with a mini fridge or mini bar,, even places that don't want you to remove mini bar items for your own will not object to medicine. I would also pack cold packs,, many hotels do have fridges ( even if they don't have restaurants, many don't , they still have breakfast service), and a small collapsable cooler,, have enough cold packs to change them up each night. Good luck,, I am sure you will manage ok,, many people travel with similar issues, but it really does make it a little more complicated doesn't it?
My sister-in-law found a baby bottle carrier, just enough for one bottle, insulated, zipper with the outside made of material you can wipe off. K-Mart less than $5.00. She contacted airline prior to flight and they kept in their frig and she also contacted hotel via e-mail and they agreed to keep it in their frig provided it was clearly marked with her name and she had no problems at all.
Gail thats a great idea,,its smaller then most insulated bags so would easy to carry around,, guess op will have to go and look at one of those baby stuff type stores if Kmart doesn't have it,,sounds like an item that would be popular.
We were in Italy for two weeks in June and my husband's injectable meds have to be refrigerated. No problems on the flight by carrying it with freezer packs in an insulated bag and all 3 hotels were very accomodating to keep it in their refrigerators. They seemed to be very familar with such a request and all we had to do was ask for it when needed.
Check out the Duo Insulin Cooling Case. It's available on-line at various stores but here's a link to the one sold by Magellans. It will keep medications cold for approximately 2 days and then all you have to do is put the inner pouch in cold water to reactivate it & then dry it & use it again. http://www.magellans.com/store/Health___Hygiene___WellnessKF110