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I go to Venice every year and, as you know, travel restictions today are more inforced...Years ago, I would just put all my meds (without bottles)in one pill box with individual compartments...Should I now travel with all my meds in their original bottles to get me through customs faster??? Thanks...Joy

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2787 posts

I went to Europe last year (as you apparently did) and go every summer. I always take my prescription medicines in their bottles from the pharmacy and just dump the "over-the-counter" ones into smaller bottles than what they come in from Costco. I have never been questioned about any of my pills either in Europe or in the US. Now that I say that, watch out! I can see the "Pill Police" coming.

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23650 posts

Going into Europe is not a problem. Custom is a walk through the door with nothing to . Much easier than the US. By the time I return all but a few of my pills are gone so I don't worry about. But if you are return to the US with a large bunch of pills then you should have them well identified. I have always said it is harder getting back into the US than entering any European country.

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358 posts

In all the times I have traveled between europe and the USA I have never been checked for medications. If you take meds like Vicodin,Soma, or other pain killers just keep them in the original container.

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174 posts

I've always put all my pills, vitamins and medications included, in a single plastic bag (they are all different colors, so I know which is which). Nobody has ever paid the slightest attention to them, including at Heathrow, which is deadly on security.

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1446 posts

I had the same experience as everyone else...never any problems. I put all my supplements into little zip lock baggies & I took my one prescription medication in the original bottle but no one ever looked at them or asked any questions.

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6898 posts

I put my 30-day supply of medications and OTC pills in shared bottles. The bottles are a few of my larger actual prescription bottles. I've never been questioned about them either going to Europe coming home. And horrors, I even include my large fish oil capsules that actually contain a liquid.