My wife and I will be traveling to Italy for 19 days in late September (2015). We both take several prescription medications and numerous vitamins every day. We routinely use plastic 7-day medication containers that have a pre-sorted daily dose of pills.
We are not sure how to pack for our trip. Can we use our pre-sorted 7-day containers or must we keep all our medication in the original pharmacy bottle ? This question applies to both our passage through Italian Customs (arrival into Italy) and to our passage through US Customs (Return to USA).
What should we do with our daily pre-sorted vitamins that we keep in small Ziploc bags ?
Should we bring along any letters from our doctor or additional written prescriptions ?
Please help us with any other general advice regarding travel to Italy with medication and over-the-counter medication (Advil, Tylenol, antacids, vitamins, nasal spray, eye drops, etc).
Thank you for everything !!
It's perfectly ok to take pills in little baggies or 7-day type containers. I do it all the time. I put all the little baggies (one for each day) into a larger zip-lock bag. Vitamins - don't need any original containers or anything. Prescription meds - don't need original containers but should take a copy of prescription telling what it's for. That's common sense when you travel in case something happens and you need to let medical personnel know what you're taking or to get a scrip refilled. Liquids like nasal sprays, eye drops, cough syrups, etc., if not small enough for your 3-1-1 bag, should be in original containers with labels, as they may be questioned.
No will look at this stuff or care. I wouldn't give it any thought. The only thing to be very careful of is injectable meds and have letters from doctors and such for syringes and injectables; even those are unlikely to be looked at. In 55 years of European travel our luggage has been examined twice -- once 55 years ago on the docks of New York returning on an ocean liner; once last trip to Paris when we came back with a lot of canned duck confit which triggered the 'bringing animal parts' issue at customs. In that case they just X-rayed the baggage apparently as part of bush meat control. (I told them 'commercially canned duck')
I take prescription meds to Europe all the time, ziploc bags or 7-day containers. I also take a copy of the label (your pharmacy can print an extra set for you). After that, don't worry. If you need any OTC things, you can buy them there if you run out or don't want to check a bag just for mouthwash.
Agreed. I put everything in small baggies, and carry a pharmacy label. This also helps should you need to refill a med, for whatever reason, you have prescription label. No one ever checked.
Never had a problem with the seven day containers. Also took an extra week's worth in an old ibuprophen bottle, no problem. As long as you don't ooze drug-mule you'll be fine.
It's true you can buy OTC meds in Europe. However, since you mentioned Tylenol, I would suggest bringing all that you need. Because of the risk of liver toxicity, in Europe it's commonly sold in smaller quantities, blister packed, and for a MUCH higher price than you'll pay in the US. (And in fact, a number of US liver specialists would prefer it be sold that way here.) Consequently, it's worth bringing it from home. If you need to buy it, the generic name there is paracetamol, rather than acetaminophen.