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May or June?

Hello, we are planning to travel to Italy this time next year. Leaving around 20th of May and travelling around Italy for 30 days. I am just wondering whether we should change it to either mid or early June because I am worried about all the rain and cold that Italy is having now. My husband keeps telling me not to be silly and it could be completely different next year and Italy could have a heat wave. I am really not sure what to do leave it for May or change it to June. Is May usually cold and wet or is it just this year? Thank you.

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32414 posts

Jane, I tend to agree with your husband. There's no way that anyone (including Meteorologists) will be able to provide any kind of accurate forecast on what the weather will be in Italy at this time NEXT year. You can get a "rough idea" by looking at the historical weather patterns, but those certainly won't provide any kind of guarantee. I'd suggest continuing with your plans for 20 May and re-check the situation early next year before you start actually booking the trip. Happy travels!

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34560 posts

I think your husband is right. Italy is a bit vague though, Jane, it will be hotter in the south and cooler in the northern mountains. Sorta like asking what the temperature is in Australia. We usually go to central and southern Italy in April because the weather is milder, and Venice and the north in May. The last 24 months have been very abnormal for weather throughout Europe.

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290 posts

It was much warmer last year at this time and I don't remember any rain either. It seems to me that the weather is inconsistent and variable everywhere nowadays and we really can't plan on what next year will bring based on this year's (unusual) weather.

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15 posts

Yes, I know you are all correct. It does put my mind at ease hearing it from other people. Goodness knows what the weather will be like next year. I am only panicking on what it is like now. Bryan, it is good to know that is was warmer at this time last year, always hope for the same next May. Thanks for that. Nigel, we are travelling all around Italy. Starting in Rome, then to AC, Florence, Venice and finishing in Milan.

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38 posts

Hi Jane, We have been to Italy a few times in May and it is usually hot. We were there 2 years ago for the last 2 weeks in May and it was about 85 and no rain. We just got back last night from a 2 week trip to Tuscany and Rome and it was very different. It was rainy, cool and windy in the 55-65 range. The people in the hotels said last spring was the same way but more rain this year. Most nights if it wasn't raining it was too cool to eat outside. Yesterday, when we left the weather was beautiful with blue skies. You just never know...

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1589 posts

In general, and this is the only way to predict weather a year from now, May would be my pick. Far more likely ( again, the magic disclaimer )to not be as hot as June.

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23722 posts

Really think you have more important things to worry about - especially those that you can control. I would stay with May. We are just back from Tuscany (9-20) and it was very pleasant, touch cool but very nice, with a few very light showers on a couple of days. It is hard to predict. On our first visit to Rome during the first week of June several years ago, it was so cold for that week that the sidewalk cafes did not open on a couple of nights. We were not prepared since everyone had told us that Rome would be hot. We returned next year, exact same week, and it was so hot and humid we could not do much mid day activity and our better prepared long sleeves shirt and sweater stayed in the suitcase. You always need to be prepare some some range of weather. We are smarter now and always have at least one long sleeve, a sweater, and a windbreaker/rain jacket included.

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663 posts

There is no "bad" weather, only inappropriate clothing choices. I was in Italy around this time last year. We got soaked in Venice during a gondola ride, and sat out a small afternoon shower in Rome sitting in a cafe. The rest of the trip was beautiful weather. I should have had a lightweight jacket with me. The blue umbrella with the cherubs I bought in Venice will forever remind me to pack for changing weather conditions.

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1446 posts

Jane, I agonized over a similar decision when planning my upcoming trip. We were in Italy in late May and early June several years ago and they were having a heat wave and the heat was unbearable. Everyone said the weather was uncharacteristic for that time of year but you just don't know year to year how it's going to be. Since you probably haven't booked the airfare yet, why don't you just book your trip for June instead of May, since "generally" June is warmer and less rainy than May?