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May 1 in Bologna

My wife and I will be in Bologna on May 1. We arrive on April 29 (evening) and have five nights/four full days in Bologna. We have already booked a food/wine/balsamic vinegar tour for Friday. We are planning to going to Ravenna as well. My question: What should we do on May 1? Since Rick doesn't cover Bologna in the guide book, I am not sure what will be open and what are the best things to do on a holiday. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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16367 posts

Most things will be closed (museums, stores) but several restaurants will be open.
There will be rallies organized by the labor unions and by the communists (same thing), so it will be an opportunity for you to pull out your red flag with hammer and sickle along with the Che Guevara T-shirt and join the marches. Bologna is famously very lefty so you will be in friendly territory.

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927 posts

@Roberto: Sounds like I should change my tour to May 1? Their web site shows the tour is available.

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16367 posts

I would.
Bologna will be largely shut down on May 1. Most families will also go out to the country on a day trip.

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1230 posts

If the day tour isn't available on May 1, I was just in Ravenna in early January, and learned from my research that all of the main "mosaic" sights are open every day of the year except Christmas Day and New Years Day.

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927 posts

@Roberto - I was able to switch the tour to May 1. Thanks!

@jmauldinuu - Thanks for the info! Questions for you: How much time do you recommend allocating for a trip to Ravenna? What's the easiest way to get there from Bologna?

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3648 posts

You can see some of the main sights of Ravenna in one day. The church of San Vitale, the mausoleum of Galla Placidia, and the National Museum are clustered together; and I think, can be accessed with a combined ticket. That, a stroll around the historic center, and a nice lunch would be enough to make for a satisfying day for me