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may 1-21, 2025 in italy-where to go?

just snagged a good bisiness class flight rt to Linate, in Milan for next May. Have been to Italy before (total 9-10 weeks). Last May/June spent 3 weeks in Bologna, Turin, Langhe area near La Morra, and Lake Orta. Have been to Montepulciano and environs, Sliena, CT, Voltera, Rome, Florence Venice, Milan, Pompei and Sorrento.

I am trying to plan an itinerary here. Dolomites and Bergamo look nice but might be too cold in May. Could fly to Bari and visit Puglia and Sicily but I am worried we'd be doing the same thing as everyone else. We loved our trip last summer bc it wasnt super touristed and crowded. Trying to replicate that and not have to drive too much. We are 60 and realizing that we don't like night driving.

Or we can visit Switzerland? Austria? we typically travel to S Europe so we are open to any ideas. thanks all

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794 posts

What kind of things do you prefer to do on your vacations?

It doesn't look like you've spent time in Emilia-Romagna, or Le Marche, or Umbria. I have enjoyed all of them, for different reasons (history, food, beauty, etc.), though in terms of what I enjoy, would probably rank them in the order that I provided. You could spend a week in each of those areas, or in any one of those locations.

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6625 posts

I think Puglia and Sicily is a good choice
Sicily needs close to 2 weeks for sure
Fly to Palermo on arrival to Milan then work your way north thru Puglia

Where will you fly home from?

Most anywhere is going to be crowded now,,

If France, Switzerland. Austria are of interest you might get best advice in those specific forums

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340 posts

Puglia will not be crowded in May outside of the main destinations like Lecce and Alberobello during the day. We went in May 2022 and it was a fantastic time of year to visit for the colours and flowers. There's a lot to see in Puglia. Here are some hidden gems which are worth considering if you've got three weeks.
Matera, just outside Puglia, is also fantastic.