I have sent 3 e-mails to B&B La Corte dei Pastori in Matera to make reservation for next year and have not received a reply . These e-mails have been over the course of 3 weeks. Has anyone been to this B&B and can they offer me any insight as to how to contact them . They do provide a phone number but I would like to find out their pricing first.
Any help would be appreciated.
We stayed there for several nights in 2013, so this may be out-of-date information. I quickly reached Domenico and Tiziana at
[email protected]. This place was our first choice of where to stay in Matera and we loved it.
The rates that I see for them at https://www.bed-and-breakfast.it/en/basilicata/bb-la-corte-dei-pastori-matera/34436 are not date dependent, although those at http://www.lacortedeipastori.com/offerte-beb-matera.html reflect some seasonal variation. Off-season might perhaps be November-March, but I don't know this hotel. If you're asking what their rate will be next year (like our book researchers often do) they probably won't have an answer.
We stayed here in Matera. It was excellent.