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Mass at St. Peter’s Bascilica

We will be in Rome on a Sunday and would like to go the mass at St. Peter’s. Can we just walk in or will we have to stand in long lines?

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21679 posts

The last time I was there, there were masses going continually, as well as confessionals with signs indicating what languages the priest speaks. One gal we were with jumped in and took communion. When she came back, she said "Oops, forget to go to confession first so I guess it doesn't count."

Maybe its busier now.

Posted by
1662 posts

hey d,

Here is the link

Scroll down until you reach Sunday and Holy Day Mass Times at Saint Peter’s Basilica

Maybe read through this also

A mass at St. Peter's, officiated by Pope Francis is unforgettable. I was given an invite to attend the Mass of Our Lady of Guadalupe last year. I love St. Peter's, went a number of times. To be able to be a part of this. Stunning!
Beautiful music.

Posted by
34576 posts

Regardless of the time of day, and regardless if you will be attending Mass or not, everybody has to go through the security checkpoint. One long queue forms, and everybody goes through in order. Sometimes that will not take long, sometimes it will take an hour.

Budget time for the security into your arrival time.

If you miss one Mass there will be another, often in another chapel around the edge, soon. They are every day.

Posted by
55 posts

Thanks for the input. Will factor in for the security line. We did the papal audience last year (on a Wednesday) but didn’t go into the bascilica until the next day after the tour of the Vatican as my husband decided he wanted to visit Castel sant’angelo that day. We try not to pack in too much in one day so we can really absorb each experience. It will be very special to attend mass at St. Peter’s.

Posted by
2188 posts

It's been a few years, but we recall everyone lining up and waiting until the designated time, at which the ushers began letting everyone go to take a seat. Yes, you will clear security first.

It was a nice experience, but I do have to share that I got a chuckle out of some of the people in line trying to leap frog ahead by cutting line or just rushing forward once the line began moving.......the chuckle was because: this is church for God's sakes....huh? they are attending for blessings and to learn how to be better God's people, yet they are being rude and selfish as they enter????? Oh well....never continue to be amazed by humanity!!!! Or, they were there just for positioning to get better photos? At least I did not notice anyone shoving in communion line :)

Overall a very pleasant experience.

Posted by
1078 posts

Usually the English Mass on Sunday is at the area to the left of the main altar inside of the Bascilica, however there is a 5p.m Saturday mass behind the main altar which will allow you not only go to Mass but also be in an area of St. Peters' that's basically off limits to the masses visiting the church. For me, what I've done several times is get to St. Peter's as close to 7am as possible and go to daily Mass-the reason being that the barriers' that are put up to control the crowds are not up yet and, after attending, you are free to wander where ever you want with hardly anyone in the church.
As an aside, the Pantheon is also a Catholic church and they also have a 5pm Saturday Mass, and, if yo u identify yourself as Catholic, you can hear Mass there, and, the crowds are not allowed in until around 6:15-6:30-and Mass is usually over around 5:45pm

Posted by
55 posts

People never fail to amaze, do they? When we were at St. Peter's last year being quiet and respectful (and pretty awestruck) I was horrified to see a women and her grown daughter jumping over the ropes to access off-limit areas to take selfies. They ran from side chapel to side chapel snapping their pics with the guards quietly chasing them. This is a place of worship!

I would love to get there at 7 but my husband would rather cut off a toe than to get up early enough to do that! :-)

Thank you both for the valuable input. This forum is filled with wonderful people!
