How much time should be allowed to get to airport from St Marks Square?
Best way to get there? Thanks
You need to define best. For some it is fastest, for others it is least expensive and either depends on the time of day.
yes, I agree with Jeff. You can take a water taxi (expensive) or public transport (cheaper but only leaves at certain times). There may be other ways to get there but either one of these is very enjoyable. I have always used the public transport.
Both water taxi and Alilaguna boats require a quarter mile walk from the dock to the terminal. The Alilaguna takes 1 hr 20 min and departs every half hour and costs 15 euro. The vaporetto takes 40 min to Piazzle Roma then 33 min on the No 5 bus and costs 12 euro with a combiticket. The bus drops you right at the terminal. The water taxi is about 100 euro exclusive, but that will include everyone in your party and can get you to the airport in a half hour or so.
Janet, the big question is the departure time for your flight which you have not identified. Marco Polo has flights departing as early as 6:30am. The first ACTV No 5 bus to the airport from the Piazzale Roma departs at 4:35am. Another departs at 5:00am. Trip takes about 25 minutes. From St. Marks square, it's a 40 minute ride on the vaporetto to the Piazzale Roma. If your flight departs after 8:30am, you can easily take the early daytime No 1 or No 2 vaporetto from St. Mark's square to the Piazzale Roma and then take the bus to the airport. If you flight departs earlier than 8:30, you need to plan carefully. From St. Mark's square, you are about 70-80 minutes from the airport by public transportation (vaporetto/bus). Then, you will need 60-90 minutes to get through security. Of course, the ultimate fast way to get there is the water taxi. This is a private taxi that takes you directly to the airport. Cost is about 100Euro for up to 8 people with luggage. Your hotel can arrange this taxi. If your flight departs earlier than 8:30am, please identify the departure time and we can give you other precise instructions on how to get to the airport as early as 5:15am on the public transportation.
OK, our flight leaves at 11:35AM. Not concerned with a walk, more the time,
also not the money but don't want to have to rob the bank to get back to the airport. Would really like to enjoy the ride over since we are on our way back to the States. Thanks for all the options. :)