Since we will be driving in the hill towns of Tuscany and Umbria, I would like to order detail Maps of each. I believe in the past someone made mention of Michellini maps but I also see Touring Club maps. They both seem to get good reviews. Any recommendations?
You can never go wrong with Michelin maps - anywhere. They are the gold standard for maps, worldwide (at least in those places they cover).
(And BTW, it's Michelin, not "Michellini" - a famous French company that's been around since before cars even existed).
We use Michelin and/or Touring Club Italiano Maps for Italy. Get them on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble.
Michellini, Touring Clubbini, and also De Agostini, are all good mappini.
Thanks Roberto, I needed a good laugh today!
Haha, I realized I wrote it wrong after I posted it. I think I will go with the Michellini for my mappini. Thanks all for your input.
We used the Michelin maps, but honestly, relied on Waze with our cell phone. It not only got us around effectively, but was good at warning us of police and traffic cameras. You need to have cell service to use Waze. They have an offline hack, but not reliable.