In June, my husband and I traveled to Italy for 14 glorious days. This trip was a first for us in several ways. Prior to this trip my DH had never left the continent of North America and he was a little apprehensive. Secondly, this was my first time planning a trip that was not in North America (I had been to France and Russia many years ago, but not as a tourist). Words cannot describe how great it felt to stride with confidence through every airport, train station, and city we visited, feeling like temporary Europeans. I would not have been as prepared, and free to really enjoy our trip had it not been for the RS books I read, the numerous topics on this website, and everyone here who takes the time to answer questions. Whenever I had a question I was usually successful in finding that it had already been answered somewhere on this forum. For those that are interested I put together a website about our trip to share with family, friends, and fellow travelers. In the website I have a section called Recommendations. It covers our lodging, restaurants we ate at, and tours we took. I'm hoping it will also help first-timers with packing light - I dedicated one section in Recommendations to that topic as well. Italy 2013
Thank you! Your website is so very informative. I'll be there in 7 weeks and am very excited and nervous. I appreciate the time you've put into this website, I will probably refer to it many times before I leave. I especially like the packing information. It looks like your trip was fabulous and uneventful in experiencing any problems. Hopefully, mine will be the same. Thanks again!
Your "Unidentified Veggies" are "fagioli borlotti" (borlotti beans) still fresh in their shells. In English they are called also cranberry beans.
Thanks for identifying those veggies Roberto! We loved going to the markets in each city. We have a farmer's market every Saturday, where I live, but it pales in comparison to the markets in Italy.
I can't wait to read your blog/website... thanks Leia! And I'm glad you and your husband had a good time!
I enjoyed your travel blog. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyable to read, very informative and practical.
Your website is really well-done with great photos and lots of useful information! It looks like you had an amazing trip! Thank you!
amazing job Leia. We just got back from 12 days in Italy - I wish you would do the same for our trip!
Wow, great job and thanks for the tips! Could you provide the name/brand of the power strip, thanks! Holly
Holly, So glad you found the website helpful. I got the power strip at TravelSmith. Here's the link Travel Smith Power Strip
Leia, I really loved your web page and read it all the way to the end with your recommendations. The photos were great. It is always nice to get recommendations for food. The photos of the cappuccino drinks put me right back at the cafe in Florence during my visit in 2010. Thanks so much for sharing. Ciao! Linda
Leia, This is a very comprehensive trip report. Do you know we have an are here for Trip Reports? The section you posted in is for asking questions. Do you think there's a chance you could put the information over there?
What a great website. It was so well organized and easy to follow. I hope you do more! Happy to hear you had such a great time.
Thank you Leia! I spent a long time on your website and took many notes. It's very kind of you and very helpful to first-timers like me.
Great website! Haven't read the everything yet, but will save to my favorites and read later.
One addition to the essentials to pack in addition to Kleenex are a couple of the travel toilet paper rolls available at Target for 99 cents. You never know when public restrooms are stocked with TP.
Screw the website. Anybody that pulls off a trip like that their first time out of the box deserves a ticker tape parade.
Screw the website. Anybody that pulls off a trip like that their first time out of the box deserves a ticker tape parade.
So happy everyone is enjoying the website! @ Nigel - I actually posted the website in the trip report section first, wrote the thank you post here second, and decided to tack on the trip report link at the last minute. @ Ed - Your comment made my day! Dear husband had the biggest laugh over it (in a good way!)
Just finished reading your blog.. that was fun! I enjoyed all of it and especially enjoyed reading about the food you ate, lol, and I really appreciated your hotel listings. So helpful. As others said, so well done.. thanks Leia!
Thank you for sharing. Wonderful, informative web site. It was a real pleasure to look at it. I have been to Italy and really enjoyed looking at the photos, and I am going again to Rome in a few weeks so it was a real treat to see the photos and take down the names of the places you ate in. Bet your planning your next trip!