I am going to Malta and am wondering whether there is difficult climbing involved in visiting the hypogeum. I can climb hills, and teps if there is a railing or not too steep. For example, I can climb the steps to the top of Sacre Coeur in Montmarrte, since there is a rail. But I couldn't climb mayan temples in Belize because it is steep and no rail.
Hi Randall. I haven't climbed the steps to Sacre Coeur or at a Mayan Temple, but if this helps I can say that my then-75-year-old mother (sorry for giving out your age, Mom!) had no trouble with the steps in the Hypogeum. It's not particularly steep, or deep, for that matter, and as memory serves there were rails to use. I found it a fascinating, well-presented place to visit. You probably already know this, but just in case, you do need to make reservations well in advance. And, don't worry about finding it once you get to the city of Paola--when we were looking for the entrance (which looks like any other building) several Maltese approached us and asked if we were looking for the Hypogeum, and pointed us in the right direction. Also in Paola is the Tarxien Temple complex. I did not find this to be as impressive as the Hypogeum, but it was still interesting. Enjoy your time in Malta!