What is the easiest (most hassle-free) way to get from the airport to my hotel in Stresa? And then, what is the least expensive way to do the trip? We do not want to rent a car.
I have looked at the train and bus websites, and honestly I am just mentally challenged when it comes to reading them. I never use public transport at home, and the idea of using it in another country where there may be a language barrier really gives me anxiety.
Ideally I would like an arranged transfer service, but if the cost is significantly higher (there are 4 adults), then I will have to use the train or bus. If in the end I have to go by public transport, is anyone able to tell me specifically, step by step how to book it?
Or if a hired car does turn out to be reasonable, does anyone have a specific recommendation for a reliable service?
Thank you very much! I am just overwhelmed this morning :(