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Making telephone calls within Italy

My cellphone cannot be activated for international service; I would have to upgrade my phone, which I don't want to do. I will be in Italy for a month next September (too long to take advantage of Verizon's temporary int'l rental service which is limited to 21 days).

So can anyone recommend some sort of cell phone to use during this 30-day trip for a person who is not especially tech savy?

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21393 posts

If all you want is calls (no data) buy a cheap, used, unlocked, quad-band cell phone on ebay, then buy an Italian SIM card when you get to Italy that you can add minutes to with a credit card. The card should be in the 10-15 euro range and calls at .05 euro/minute range for calls to Italy, more for calls to the States.

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16241 posts

I think the new SIM cards they sell all include data nowadays. I don't think you can find new SIM cards with voice only anymore. I have some, but they are old ones. I haven't seen those advertised lately. Everybody has smart phones now.

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11852 posts

You can rent from Cellular Abroad. A simple voice and text package for $70 for 4 weeks. I used them once years ago. Very good service.

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11613 posts

You could also just buy a cheap phone in Italy (I have a TIM plan); compare costs to renting.

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9371 posts

Buying a cheap phone once you arrive will be cheaper and easier than renting, or buying who knows what on eBay and then buying a SIM. You will find cellphone options all over, and they can get it set up and working for you.

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11294 posts

Since you say you are not tech savvy, the best bet is to buy a cheap phone in Italy. This way, you are sure it will work in Italy. If you buy one from EBay and it doesn't work in Italy, you're stuck.

Just go into a phone store and buy one. TIM, Vodaphone, 3, and Wind are the major carriers with stores all over the major cities. Just randomly, I went to the TIM website and asked to see inexpensive phones, and it showed three different models (all basic "dumbphones") for a bit under €30. To this you would have to add a plan for minutes/texts (these inexpensive phones don't have data, just talk and text). Which plan would be best will be determined by how much you intend to use the phone.

You will need your passport to to set up phone service in Italy. You may also need a Codice Fiscale, so it's best to have one. On the bottom of this page are directions for getting one; print the CF out and take it with you, just in case:

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1465 posts

You can also check out what Eurobuzz,, has. They offer you a phone with a U.S. number & European number and its yours for life. They offer different models for you to select from, depending on your needs.

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4418 posts

Ummm, yeah, Tim (and any others)...I just visited the EuroBuzz site. Apparently they've gone to a $50/month unlimited data/texts, $0.30 calls plan. No more $9 'keep forever' SIM cards, etc. You can now get that type of plan from Mobal (at one time - if not currently - EB's parent company) but at a higher rate. EuroBuzz changed to this model sometime in Fall 2015.

I have phones & SIM cards from EuroBuzz from several years ago, and my account shows my status as 'active' so my SIM cards should still work as the once did.

cltmap, you might like the $50 unlimited data/unlimited texts from EuroBuzz. Their plans work in 30-day increments, so that would work for you.

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9371 posts

Sorry to hear that, Eileen. Eurobuzz was my backup SIM in my dual-SIM phone - not anymore!