Sorry but I have never been on a train in Italy. Would you tell me where you put your luggage in the train, above your seat or at the end of the car? I am concerned if it is at the end of the car it may get stolen. Is there a difference between 2nd and first class?
Yes, it's sometimes a problem. You can buy cables that you can use to attach your luggage to the luggage racks, if your luggage is not where you can easily see it.
Rail cars have overhead racks for your luggage. So long as you are there in the car and in view of your luggage the security is no problem. We have never locked the luggage to the rack. However, if you drift off to sleep you could wake up with things missing. It happened to some friends of our daughter, who lost camera equipment when they took a night train, fell asleep and did not have luggage locked.
Some trains have space between seats for bags if the seats are in a back to back configuration, sometimes you can store your bags overhead (dependent on the size of the bag), most common are storage racks at the ends of each carriage.
As Kent says you can secure your bags to the rack for additional security. I normally do and it takes all the worry out of someone taking off with your bags. Especially so if you are on a regional train that is making lots of stops. I use a small combination lock that has a wire rope wound inside it; the rope is about 600mm long, more than enough to go through two suitcase handles and around the luggage rack.
No big difference in luggage storage between first and second class, just less people in first to make off with your bags.
I wish I could calm your fears but it is true that it is a bit unsettling when you have to store your luggage at the end of the train car. I try to check on it every so often and when the train stops I keep my eyes peeled for someone walking on the platform with my suitcase... But there are times when I fall asleep or it just gets old. I do keep then more valuable objects with me and have never had anything stolen and I have been on lots of trains. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
Thanks. I guess the solution is to bring a cable with a lock.
The solution is to make sure your secured bags do not hinder people getting to theirs if they leave the train before you. It's also important not to be fumbling with a lock while people are scrambling to get off a train that's only in the station for a minute or two.
You should have all your valuables in a bag near you or on your person. I prefer to store luggage between back-to-back seats, put my day bag on the rack overhead, and wear my crossbody bag. If you are in a train with compartments, your luggage goes overhead. On some trains, that space is a little too narrow for a 24" suitcase.
Bringing a cable and a lock is not a big deal. Most suitcases have a small outside pocket. That's where I keep the cable (which weighs next to nothing). I use a small lock with a key (and have a spare key stashed somewhere else but accessible) - the kind that used to come with suitcases. It's lightweight and would not prevent a determined thief, but that is so unlikely . . . I figure if someone really wants to steal a suitcase, and mine's the hardest to take . . . I also use the lock on my backpack when I feel I need to be more careful.
The luggage racks tend to fill up, so if your bag won't fit overhead, it's a good idea to board early.
There's a big enough difference between first and second class to justify me going first class when available. More room for luggage and people in first class. The first class cars have overhead racks and "A" spaces between seats in suites of four. And if I am the only one in my suite, I bring my luggage inside my suite on the floor.
Of course my luggage is only one carry on bag, weighing 15 pounds total. In First class I leave it unattended while I go to the dining car if available and to the washroom. I've never locked it up, no one does that in first class. It's how I like to travel.
Read this page from the "Man in Seat 61" website for everything you need to know about luggage on trains.
I have never locked my luggage to the rack, and have only very rarely seen other luggage locked to the rack.. Luggage theft is over-hyped, like all the other "is it safe" posts which are pure "there be dragons" myths.
But, do not leave your luggage in the aisle, that will annoy people. And, as Zoe says, if you insist on tying your luggage to some fitment make sure that everybody else can still get at their luggage and you do not block people by taking excessive time to unlock your luggage.
I have always had room for my bag overhead on the train.
Are you really worried someone is going to steal a bag of clothes?
Keep your valuables with you in your chosen day bag.
Problem solved.
when you make train reservations, you can also pick your seats. There are a couple that are closet to the luggage compartment, i would choose those if concerned.
Are your bags big? If carryon size, you can put them above your seat like an airplane. They don't have doors that close them, though.
Yes, @jkc - I am worried that someone may steal my bag of clothes.
I use a cable and lock for my bag on trains if there's more than 1-2 stops on the way. When I think logically, I really don't believe anyone is going to take it. That doesn't keep me from being uneasy during the trip. When I lock it, I relax and don't think about it. So I do it.