Hello all and thanks for all of your helpful advice.
I am on a medically imposed low sodium diet. It's not too difficult to deal with in the US - lots of salads, fresh veggies, grilled fish and meat with no sauces, etc.
Usually when we go out to eat at the local Italian restaurant I have a salad with oil/vinegar dressing on the side and either pasta primavera or a pasta dish cooked with garlic and olive oil. (Sometimes a salty broth might be added to either of these but I ask that be omitted).
Any suggestions for our upcoming trip to Northern Italy (Milan/Florence/Venice)? We will have an apartment in each location, so can do some of our own cooking, but would hate to lose out entirely on the local cuisine.
Google has suggested I print a card that says:
Niente sale, per favore. (No salt, please)
Io sono su una dieta a
basso contenuto di sale .
Questo contiene sale ? (I am on a low salt diet. Does this contain salt?)
and have been advised to ask "Senza sale".
Did I print those correctly?
Any other suggestions?
Thank you!