We are in Rome, and I lost my Rick Steves Rome book last night. We are going to the Vatican tomorrow, and I wonder if I can get the Vatican section online. I retraced my steps several times, and it is as if the book vanished into thin air. I went to the big bookstore in the Termini train station, but they did not have your book. If you can provide any assistance for tomorrow, mille grazie!
Ann, I agree with the previous reply. If you're travelling with a Laptop, Kindle or iPad, the book is easily and very quickly available on line. The Kindle Reader is free to download. You can obtain the actual book on the Amazon website. It's currently priced at $8.99. Here's the link to the Guidebooks that are available in E-book format. Good luck and happy travels!
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I am not working on my own computer, and I do not want to download an application on a computer that belongs to a kind stranger. Is there another solution?
Thank you very much.
Ann, If you have access to a computer, get the free Kindle app then download the book. The cost is less than you would have paid for the paper book.
Ann, Are you traveling with an iPod Touch? The Kindle app is also available for those. I packed along a few Guidebooks on my iPod this year and found that it works reasonably well. You could also check the Amazon website as you may be able to find excerpts from the Guidebooks that cover the area you want to tour. You could also visit a few Hotels used by the RS tours as they often have Guidebooks on hand that were "donated" by tour members. I'd suggest starting at Hotel Sonya. If you explain the situation to them, I imagine they'd be willing to help one of Rick's faithful fans. Good luck!
You can purchase RS's books at La Feltrinelli Book store (red sign on the windows) in Largo di Torre Argentina. You can take bus #64, 70, 81 from the Termini. Get off at Argentina stop. I lost my book in the Colosseum. They didn't have the Rome book, but they had the Italy book. It did help.
You can purchase RS's books at La Feltrinelli Book store (red sign on the windows) in Largo di Torre Argentina. You can take bus #64, 70, 81 from the Termini. Get off at Argentina stop. I lost my book in the Colosseum. They didn't have the Rome book, but they had the Italy book. It did help.
Miguel, thank you. We found the book in the bookstore that you recommended. Many thanks to all the Rick Steves users who reached out to help.