I think there are just four bridges across the Grand Canal. Two of them are up near the train station and Piazzale Roma. One is the Rialto Bridge near the Rialto Market. The fourth is the Accademia Bridge near the Accademia Museum. That last one is sort of between your hotel and La Bitta, so it would be potentially usable if you wanted to go from your hotel to La Bitta. The tricky part is that there are not sidewalks along the full length of the Grand Canal, so it's not a trivial task to find your way from the hotel to the eastern end of the Accademia Bridge and then from the western end of the bridge to La Bitta. You won't be able to just walk along the canal until you come to the bridge, or from the bridge to Calle del Tragheto.
Aside from the bit about getting across the Grand Canal, you will come to many small canals along the way if you walk; it looks like seven small canals before you cross the Grand Canal and three afterward. Getting to a bridge you can use to cross each of those small canals requires time and navigation. I really enjoy that sort of thing, but such walks should be considered excursions of unpredictable length. That's probably one reason Google is coughing up directions involving vaporetti.
After you've been in Venice a short time, you'll have a good understanding of the situation.