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Looking for Ravello Walking / Sunflower Book?

I had recently come across a recommendation for a book about walking from Ravello to Altrani / Amalfi, perhaps under the publishing title of Sunflower? I can no longer find that reference but wondering if others might have the title details as I am interested in purchasing. TIA

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201 posts

Another good hiking series is the Cicerone series. We used on several years ago to hike on Ischia. The routes were very comprehensive--down to the last tree! They cover different regions of Italy, so it's possible that one of them might suit.

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125 posts

Thanks Insbig - that was what I was looking for! Ill check out the other guide too, sounds like a good one as well.

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1140 posts

Also, just as a side note, the walking path between Ravello and Atrani is marked well so you don’t need a guide book for it. We just walked it again last month. 😊

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63 posts

I plan to do this walk next week from Ravello to Atrani (the location of my hotel). I understand it’s about an hour, downhill. Is that accurate? I had two ankle surgeries in 2020 (putting hardware in 3/2020 and having it removed 6/2020). I’m still not 100%, of course. Is the walk on smooth paths or on uneven terrain? Thanks!

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125 posts

Great info all around!

Crystal, Good luck. Would love to hear your report back.

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Thanks, for the good luck wishes, but without knowing how steep and tough it is I probably won’t do it. Part mountain goat up and down?

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847 posts

I had that book and did do the Ravello to Atrani walk.

The book was OK, but really not all that helpful. Very easy to do the walk without the book. But what I mean by that is you won't get lost if you don't have the book. The walk itself is not exactly "easy". It's all downhill which is certainly better than doing it in the reverse. But for those of you with ankle or knee issues it will be 'challenging'. It's all paved, if you hug the edges you get a bit of shade but when we got near the bottom and found the trail blocked by orange plastic fencing we climbed through it and took our chances with a short area of broken pavement rather than reversing back up that hill!

Here are a couple of excerpts from the trip report I did for the trip that I had the Sunflower book:
"I had bought the Sunflower Walking Guide to the Amalfi Coast which I learned about from someone’s trip report. We did several of the walks but I can’t say they were totally accurate, there were several times we got fairly confused, and most of the time there were signs anyway so the book wasn’t necessary. The walk from Atraini to Amalfi is fairly well marked. "

"And then we did one of the walks from the Sunflower book. From Ravello down to Atrani – “easy, 1 hr” says the book. Well easy must be relative, and as in the case of the Phoenician Steps in Capri I was certainly glad we were going down and not up, but easy is not the term I’d use to describe it. It’s about four miles and it was virtually all steps. The book was a bit confusing but there were some nice tile markers telling you which way to go to get to Atrani/Amalfi so we knew we were on the right path. There were some occasional nice views (but not as good as from the two villas in Ravello) but mostly you were going between some eight foot high stone walls, or through olive or lemon groves. And then, just as we were almost to Atrani (we could see it) we came across an iron pipe barricade with orange plastic netting blocking our way. Someone had already torn away the plastic and clearly there was no way I was going back up all those stairs so we climbed through the pipes (being real glad we are relatively thin). It was not really clear why they were blocking the path, looked like there might have been some crumbling or falling stones. Anyway, I was very glad to get to Atrani where I rewarded myself with the largest lemon gelato they had.
We still had the 20 minute walk to Amalfi, which itself is 419 steps (up and down, I counted this time). So we estimated that the hike down from Ravello must be around 4000 steps. Whew. At least most of it was in shade. Was it worth it. Well Ravello certainly was but I’m not so sure the hike was. At least we can brag about it. But the other four hikes I had planned were not going to happen. It actually didn’t take all that long – a little over an hour from Villa Cimbrone to Atrani. The boat ride back to Sorrento from Amalfi was a piece of heaven after that. "

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63 posts

Super helpful report on the Ravello to Atrani walk. I think I’ll pass based on this information, oh, but a walk among the lemon and olive trees would be so lovely too! What to do?

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5470 posts

Agree with my fellow Carolinian, the walk down from Ravello to Atrani is difficult with no ankle issues. I'd honestly rather walk UP than down at such a steep incline. The path from Minori to Maoiri may be better, but it does have lots of steps if memory serves. We walked all the way from Maiori to Amalfi (via Ravello and Atrani)--the downhill from Ravello to Atrani was by far the worst part. The great thing about hiking in the area is the ability to use the bus or ferry to make a walk one-way.