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Looking for ideas for a gift for 8 year old boy

We recently returned from visiting an Italian family in Marche . They were extremely generous with us and we really want to send the 8 year old son a gift from the US that is not easily found in Italy. Ideally, not too heavy or too big. We noticed he was enjoying playing with vehicles, but they were the type made in China and found most everywhere. Thank you!

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8077 posts

A couple random thoughts: even if a toy car or truck was a decidedly American design (Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Hummer, etc.), I suspect it rolled off an assembly line in China, and could be found in a store in Italy, or easily ordered online. Still, a Chinese-made fire truck or police car sold in the USA probably looks like an American fire or police vehicle, while a Chinese-made vehicle sold in Italy probably looks like one commonly seen in Italy.

I’m guessing he’ll be involved in following European soccer soon, if not already. But maybe your home sports teams (pro or college) - would a jersey or ball make a prized memento? Teams like the Yankees and Lakers are widely known, and knock-off shirts and hats are found throughout the world (sometimes in the wrong colors!), but a lesser-copied, yet still-recognized and valued sports team’s regalia might be a unique gift to an Italian boy. Like, maybe, a Sonics or Seahawks item, which his friends would never get to have, and would put him ahead of the pack.

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89 posts

At that age my boys really liked those mini table top games.
They used to make basketball and a toss game. Their very favorite was a little pool table.
These are very small. Toys stores often have them in the travel games sections.
Comic books are fun.

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4115 posts

Any woodworking artisans in your area who make really cool wood vehicles -- like planes, trains, cars, etc? I have a wood airplane my parents gave me (a plane fanatic) that is awesome -- not a chunky preschooler plane, but something really nice.

I like Cyn's idea a lot, too. Since soccer is more popular in Italy than football or basketball, how about getting a Sounders FC jersey?