My wife and I are headed for our third trip to Italy in the end of April. We're flying into Milan and out of Rome with 8 nights stay total. Milan is a quick jet-lagged arrival day, one night stay, and head to Bologna late afternoon on the next day.
There's 4 nights in bologna, then three in Rome before flying out.
Primarily we're looking for recommendations in Bologna. We've done two stop-ins there on previous trips, but never stayed for more than 5-6 hours. I'd love to hear about pasta making experiences and cheese factory experiences. We're interested in these things either in Bologna proper or also in Parma, Modena, Ferrara, etc. Anything we can easily hit by foot and train.
Regarding pasta making, I'm not opposed more commercialized, touristy classes but would much prefer a more casual, Italian grandma type experience....
Any other unique experiences you've had and want to shout out are welcome too.