I would like to spend 3 months in Italy during the late fall taking Italian lessons. Can anyone recommend a school? Right now I am open to the location of the school. Maybe somewhere not as touristy where I can actually focus on the language courses. The second issue would be long term housing. What can this usually run (of course depending on the town/city)? I don't mind small and shared. Any advice or suggestions?
Thank you
The Universita per Stranieri di Perugia is one that two different Italian teachers have recommended to me. I haven't taken a class there so can't give you a personal recommendation.
Try this : http://www.parola.it/italian_courses_pistoia.html Great location & no tourists
A previous post mentioned Perugia which has a great reputation. You could try the following website for the Italian Cultural Insititute where you might consider applying for a scholarship (not sure of age limitations) which I did many years ago and studied for a month in Florence at a school suggested by them. The school helped me find lodging (private apartment rental). They could probably suggest other places since you're interested in 'less touristy areas': http://www.iicsanfrancisco.esteri.it/IIC_SanFrancisco/Menu/Imparare_Italiano/Le_borse_dell_Istituto/