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lodging near Leonardo da Vinci Airport (Fiumicino)?

we are looking for a cheap, clean place to stay near the Fuimicino airport. Our flight leaves at 6:15 am, so something very close would be nice. Thanks for any suggestions!!

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10344 posts

Suggest you do the free download of the Google Earth software (5 minutes); then input Fiumicino in the Fly To box; click the Lodging box in the lower left pane; and then you'll see all the hotels to the southwest and south of the airport (where you see the big runways). You can double click on the hotels to go to their websites. These hotels are pretty much all typical airport hotels and you'll get a feel for the price range. That early you'll probably need the hotel to arrange for a taxi to get to the terminal, as their airport shuttles won't be operating at 4am.

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6898 posts

Jodi, here's a comment on this same question from Greg from Kentwood, MI.

"If your looking for a clean bed, with a no frills hotel then try either the Mach 2 Hotel or the Cancelli Rossi Hotel. They are both near FCO, less than 2 miles, they both have shuttle service to FCO and the rates are a little over 100 euro per night. I stayed at both hotels and either is fine, although the Mach 2 is my preference. Both Hotels have a three star rating. Good Luck"

You might also check out CHECK OUT THIS LINK to see more possibilities on a map.