Any recommendations for a place for 3 couples for 3 nights in Rome and 4 couples for 3 nights in Sorrento in September?
Are you looking for hotels or apartments? You might consider an apartment in Rome (if all of you are friendly...); there are many very large ones so you'd stay out of each others' way. I've stayed at Il Nido Hotel in Sorrento (check their website and Trip Advisor reviews to see if it's for you). We loved it...and will stay there again.
Yes, i am looking for an apartment in both places. There are hundreds if not thousands on various websites so I am hoping someone out there can recommend some! I appreciate your suggestion for sorrento and will look it up.
You don't mention budget but here is a 4 bedroom/4 bathroom villa in Sorrento town. Short walk to all that Sorrento has to offer.