We’re going to be attending a wedding in Tuscany the first week in June, 2023 and are looking for lodging recommendations in Assisi. TIA.
Assisi is not in Tuscany, it’s in Umbria
Where exactly is the wedding? Are they not suggesting any accommodations nearby?
Assisi could be quite far from many locations in Tuscany
My apologies, I realize Assisi is in Umbria. Although the wedding is in Tuscany, we’re extending our stay for two weeks to travel through Tuscany and Umbria.
Ah! No problem
I use booking.com, set the filters and see what’s available. Years ago we stayed at Hotel Berti right at the gate, built into the old wall. Small, inexpensive but perfectly fine. Don’t know if it’s still there. It worked for us since it was right across the street from the big underground parking and right at the bus stop that takes you to top of town. Easy walk to Basilica.
They also had a restaurant a few doors away that was excellent.
Thank you so much!
When we were last in Umbria, we stayed in Spello (infiorata was happening) and loved it! We also visited Assisi and would have also been very happy there. If I ever did stay in Assisi, I would definitely check out these apartments owned by Anne Robichaud an American expat, tour guide and blogger.
Check out Hotel Pallota.
You can read more details about this hotel on my trip report here: Beautiful Assisi…
Oh how I wish I were in Assisi now!
Wishing you a wonderful trip!
Thank you for the recommendation!
Thank you, we’ll definitely look into it.
Definitely check with Anne Robichaud for her tours. She’s very good and really quite entertaining. She is based in Assisi but does tours all over Umbria and environs.
Thank you for the suggestion