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Location in Rome - Monti district or Trastevere?

Hello. I know there has already been a lot of "chats" regarding location in Rome, but would love to get some pros/cons feedback so I can make my decision, as I am SO TORN! We currently have a reservation at a small boutique hotel in the Monti District on Via Urbana (Hotel Raffaello). I keep wondering if we should be staying in Trastevere, so I searched and found a suite at a little B&B on Via San Francesco a Ripa in Trastevere. My husband and I are early 40's and will be in Rome for our 10th Anniversary trip. Wherever we stay, I'd like to be the best place for strolling around at night for dinner, drinks, hanging out, etc. From what I can see on the map, either location would be okay for daytime sites. Thank you!!

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