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Local transportation from train station to town

Hi, I am taking the train from Florence to Cortona, but I was advised that I should get off at either Camucia or Terontola. But, as I say, my destination is actually the town of Cortona ("Under the Tuscan Sun" was filmed there).
My question: is there a local bus I can ride to Cortona? I have been told a taxi will cost about 30 Euros. I don't want to pay that much money to ride to Cortona (unless I have no choice). Thanks, Lorrie

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There is regular bus service from both Camucia and Terontola train stations, but Camucia is closer to Cortona and more convenient when arriving from Florence. Catch the bus in the piazza in front of the train station. Buy tickets at the newstand in the station or, if it's closed, at the store about a block up the street on the left side.