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Local festivals - is there a list somewhere?

I'll be in Italy this fall, and would love to be in town for local festivals and/or celebrations. Does anyone know the best source for finding these events?


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I would do a google search for the towns you will be visiting. Not to "dis" Steve, but his event/ festival list is on the poor side. He obviously can't list everything, but as a small example, only the Christmas market gets listed for Frankfurt. It would be nice if one of the premier festivals in Germany, the Museum Riverbanks Fest at the end of Aug. would be listed. We had over 3 million people for a 3 day event last year. That seems significant enough to be on the website. There are literally fests on almost every weekend in a multitude of towns and cities in Germany and I am sure in every other country in Europe too. Many cities have Museum Nights, Night of the Churches, wine festivals, dragon boat races, etc. So check out the local website. Every town and city has a web page these days.