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Does anyone know when and if they light Trajan's column? My wife and I saw a report last year that they were using lasers to "paint" the column in the colors it would have orginally had.

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1317 posts

I found a 2008 article that said "Under the plan, the column would be illuminated on weekends for a few minutes every hour"

However, as of the writing of the article, this was still just a plan under discussion and I can't find any reports that suggest it actually has happened.

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10 posts

Thanks for the information. We saw a video clip of what it would look like, so I'm pretty sure it was done, but I can find absolutely no other information about it. I think Rick even mentions it in the 2010 edition of his Rome book, but I believe he mentions it as a "possibility".

In any event, thank for the head's up!