Does anyone know if the Lemon Festival in Monterosso is going to be held on May 15th this year? This is the date listed by Rick on this site but I can't seem to find out if this is definite. Thanks for your help
I checked a couple sites on google and got a couple different dates, but the site that looked the most reliable was (or information) and it said 21 May.
I read it is usually the 3rd Saturday in May, so the above poster appears to be correct. Thank you for posting this, because I too believed it was the 15th and didn't think to research until you posted. I get to Monterosso on the 21st...yay!
Thanks for your help - I was also finding conflicting information so I thought I would check. Congrats to you Amy! I think it will be alot of fun. Sorry to say that we will be in Rome at that time. I was hoping for the 15th since that is when we will be in the area:(
BTW, for anyone who was curious, I asked the owner of the B&B I'm staying at if she knew when the festival was. She called the tourist office and was told its the 21st.