What is the best method to get from the Lecce train station to the Bari Airport? We will be going on May 28
My research suggests Lecce to Bari Centrale by train, but I can't seem to determine if the faster trains go also to the airport or what that stop is named. It also seems like there may be metro stops near Bari Centrale and the airport. Or just take a taxi?
You can always find info on ground transportation in the airports’ websites.
I agree, Lecce to Bari by train. Then it looks like you have several choices to get to/from the Bari airport.
I suggest the train from Bari Centrale to the airport as an easy way to get there, even if a taxi is probably faster. Please note that you have to exit the main railway station and leave from a small separate railway station (Ferrotramviaria - Ferrovie del nord barese).
As you exit the main station, the Ferrotramviaria is on your left side, under the ground level. On the same side, over the ground level, the Appulo Lucane train station to Matera.