I would like to learn to speak a little bit of Italian before my trip in Oct. Any suggestions? I think it would be nice to find CDs I can listen to and from work where a phase is stated in English and then in Italian. Have others tried this? What has worked for others? Thanks,
If you have a smartphone, try the "Italiano" app. It does exactly what you describe. The free version will give you 100 common words and phrases. The full version is $9.99.
You may want to check out your local library for language CD's such as the Pimsleur Language Program.
I reviewed my French using this program and now learning a bit of Italian!
I would also highly recommend the Pimsleur language series, as they're structured in the way you described. You won't achieve full fluency, but should be able to learn enough to manage nicely. You should be able to find them at your local Library.
In addition to Pimsleur, a basic single CD such as Berlitz Italian for Travelers would be a good start.
Thanks so much I will check out my library this weekend!
Try the podcast called Coffee Break Italian. They offer 10-15 minute classes (for free) that not only teach but also explain the reasoning behind the phrases you learn. They just won an award for smartest podcast.
Try Duolingo app it is free and fun!
Another vote here for Duolingo!
For a while, I tried Mango Languages that was offered online for free through my public library system. Unfortunately, it no longer offers it, so I would have to go to the Mango Languages website and subscribe for a fee of $20/month vs $175/year with access to around 70 languages. It doesn't really go into too much depth on grammar rules. It's more that they present you with a sentence and then they break it down to individual words or phrases and have you repeat it several times. Then in the end, they piece it all back together to make the full sentence and have you repeat the full sentence. It's all rote memory. It covers the basics in conversation, including topics like how to find a destination, ordering food, giving directions, and meeting people. Every once in a while, they throw in interesting tidbits about the culture of the language you're learning. If you're interested, you can check it out at mangolanguages.com and you can also see if your library offers it online for free. Wishing you a great trip in Italy! I also went there in October a few years ago.
We've been using Fluenz for both Italian and French. I like their approach and they are priced comparably with some of the other big name programs. I use Fluenz mostly on my smartphone and it's quite convenient. If you learn even a handful of phrases - make sure one of them is buon giorno - you will greatly please those you meet by showing them that you respect them enough to go to the trouble of learning some of their language.
Buon fortuna e buon viaggio!
I just want to point out that everyone has a different style of learning. What works really well for some people won't work as well for others.
I'm trying to learn Spanish.I heard a lot of good things about Duolingo, so I gave it a try, and after more than a month of daily practice, I didn't feel like I could formulate a single sentence in Spanish.
I switched to Fluencia, and after two weeks I feel more confident than I did with 5 weeks of Duolingo. It is for Spanish only, so I'm not recommending it for your Italian lessons, only mentioning it to point out that you may or may not have success with something that works well for someone else.
For me, Duolingo wasn't structured enough. The learning felt kind of random, with a bunch of new words and phrases introduced but no real lessons on how to conjugate verbs or any other grammatical constructs. And it didn't seem particularly well suited to normal conversation that you might have as a traveler. I learned the names of a lot of animals and types of furniture. That might be a good approach for many people, and I wouldn't advise anyone not to try Duolingo, especially since it's free. Just keep in mind that any particular program may or may not be the right one for you.
I'd suggest you to do a little research, thinking about how you like to learn. Try out any free online programs or apps and see how they suit you.
Campari and espresso are the two words I mostly find use for.
I usually like Pimsleur but their Italian version is teaching you formal Italian and not conversational Italian. When I tried speaking to my Italian friends, they started correcting me saying I sounded like a text book.
I agree, go to your local library and try a few. If you like one you can always buy it. As mentioned before, everyone's style of learning is different--try before you buy.
I have really enjoyed Duolingo. I also checked out an audiobook from our public library - Learn Italian with Paul Nobles - that has been very helpful.
While I have also used and enjoyed Duolingo, I have found the free courses at FutureLearn.com to be more useful. The courses are free and the most recent one is specifically designed for travelers. Here is a link: https://www.futurelearn.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Italian. In my opinion these courses provide more functional Italian lessons for the occasional user. Hopefully this is of some help to you. Have a great trip!
For something more basic and geared for the traveler, try "Italian in 10 minutes a day" by Bilingual Books, Inc.
The lessons are useful and practical for a tourist like - where is the bathroom, ordering in a restaurant, asking for the check, etc.
You can buy it on Amazon.
I also bought their "Italian, a language map". It's a laminated folded "map' that you can easily carry with you. It has useful words and phrases.
their Italian version is teaching you formal Italian and not conversational Italian.
Frank, there is at least one good reason behind that choice: what may seem "text book italian" in one region may be conversational in another. For example if you always used remote past tense "by the book" you'd sound very formal in northern Italy but just another average guy in the south.
Do not believe anybody saying conjunctive is out of fashion, it isn't. It's a line on the sand and you have to decide where to stand these days.
We use Pimsleur a lot. A you go further in the lessons, they do throw in more informal usage. But I'm always uncomfortable with language books and programs that toss you immediately into the informal "tu" forms of the verbs. In some places, using the informal with anyone other than children or close friends may be rude. (I was a linguist in a former life, so I'm more sensitive to this. Also, a lot of language programs are designed for students, who find it more acceptable, even obligatory, to address each other informally right away.)
I'd rather err on the side of formality; you may get a few smiles or giggles, but at least you won't be "talking down" to anyone.
We also like the Michel Thomas program. He has you forming complex sentences in no time at all. We get those from the library, as well. He's especially good for Italian and French. We were less impressed with the Spanish and Dutch series; we haven't tried any others yet.
Using non formal pronouns in the wrong context may get offensive (it is perceived as a lack of respect), but of course if you are obviously a beginner that does not master the language it will be understood that you are doing your best and you simply can't do better. Expect, maybe, to be corrected or shown the most correct form, but only the grumpiest people will get offended.
Thank you all for all the helpful suggestions. Glad I have until Oct to try them and find out what works best for me.